Saturday, March 14, 2009


Wow I'm totally awful about keeping up to date! Many things have happened since Feb. 24! The season finale of the BACHELOR! Like the millions of others that watch this, I was totally upset! grr.. STUPID GUY! I'm ready for next season... This is why I brought up this topic for my girls.. I read in the new People magazine last night, If you didn't already know Melissa is now on Dancing with the Stars, I watched it the first night and she had only 48 hours to learn while others had weeks. Let me tell you she did AMAZING! She got one of the top scores! So I was cheesy and called and voted for her! Anyways, back to the magazine, at the end of the little interview she said, I don't care if Jason or Molly watch. I don't need there vote!! She's right she doesn't. She got a standing ovation before she even made a dance move! How cool!.. Ok enough on that I'm addicted...
Last weekend was my girls weekend in Huntsville, AL. We had a blast. We stayed at the Embassy Suites. The first night, Friday, my Aunt got the bellhop to give us free pop, popcorn, and a FREE movie! The movie was $13 and we got it free! We went to three different malls! At our first stop (DSW) we walked out the door with 9 pairs of shoes! The rest of the day I picked up little things here and there! All in all it was great to enjoy time with my family!
This week I've been on Spring Break. I fill like I haven't even had a break. Monday I just unpacked my suitcase, watched Y & R, went to the Y, and that's about it. Tuesday I went to Bloomington to see two of my besties! We ate at steak and shake, walked on campus, and went back to the apartment and burnt cookies and cinnamon rolls! We even set the fire alarm off! OPPS!
The rest of the week is a blurr... Thursday I went to a Lia Sophia party. Wednesday and Friday I worked at the Preschool and tonight and tomorrow I work at Redbones! Today we're having the Borden Boys Basketball team in to eat. We were told to treat them well because they may get to play North Daviess tonight! lol And Borden has probably never had so many Viking Fans!

Now, on a serious note! Do you often get discouraged? Feel selfish? Most of you know I'm heading to Haiti in a few months. Well, I sent out 30 some support letters almost a month ago. I really didn't even want to send them out because I felt selfish! I didn't want to ask people for money that's just not me. So, there were two options of my letter. 1. Pray for me and my team and 2. Pray and support financially. I didn't want people to think they had to give in the gift of money!!. We need just as much pray! Anyways, I became discouraged after 3 weeks of having letters out, I had only received 5! I talked to my mom and grandma about it on our way to Huntsville, saying I don't expect people to give, I just want to know that they are behind me in the things I'm doing! I want to know I have people that will be praying for us. I would ask God is this a sign? I'm a not suppose to go? The only word that I could come up with was DISCOURAGED! I knew in my heart that I needed to take this journey! I feel I have God's support! But I wanted my family's support also! I tried not to worry about it over the "girls weekend" and I didn't. Sunday night when we got home, I hadn't received any letters over the weekend! My heart just sunk and became discouraged once again. I told myself that God was in control, and He knows my heart. Monday when we received the mail. I couldn't believe it! I had received 4 letters!! 4 Letters!! When I opened the first letter, I began to cry! The check was written for a generous amount! I was speechless. I felt like God was telling me I needed to just have patience! He will provide for me!
Way to often do we become discouraged quickly. I know I do!
So, I'm working on that!
Enjoy your weekend!
Keep looking up!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm probably not the best one to comment on discouragement. But I do know a little about you. God has a plan for you, and neither you nor I know what that plan is. But I can almost guarantee that it will benifit you.
You have been an encouragement for me. As well as others I'm sure. just keep your ears open and God will answer your prayers.
I have so enjoyed reading these blogs. There used to be a show that said it best, and I will now do my best to remember just how it was said. I think it was "Keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the stars"
So keep your head up. Its only gonna get gooder and gooder