Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Strength for each day

It's almost been a week since I've been on here so let me catch you up! I finished this semester of school last Wednesday! WO WO! I was so glad to be done with school till next year!
Friday night me and some of the girls went to eville to celebrate Steph being totally done with school (classes). We went and enjoyed supper at Red Lobster and it was so good! After that we indulged into some shopping. Who can come to eville and not shop? not me! :) Anyways we had a great night, laughing and catching up on things. I'm glad we can all find time to get to together.

Saturday came and it was like someone had turned a switch inside of me. I didn't want to get out of bed. I didn't want to do anything. I finally got up and went and laid on the couch. (not much progress) I was sad, depressed, lonely..etc. My heart just felt like it was in a million pieces and I couldn't figure out how to put it back together. I didn't feel like even taking a shower, but I was hoping once I did I would begin to feel better. I just couldn't bring myself to get up. I felt like I cried all day. Tears were just a constant battle to hold back. I finally decided to go to Wal-Mart because no one was home. I cried on my way to wal-mart and as I was walking in. I thought "God what are you doing to me?" "You give me good days and then you give me days like today?" Then I thought of something I read saying "God didn't promise days without pain, but strength for the day" I was thinking okay God I hear You BUT why? Over the next couple of days He showed me why. Sunday came and I woke up and went to church by myself. As I walked in I saw it was the children's Christmas program. Children melt my heart. I love them. My thought was God, You know my heart! You know what I need. When I got home from church my dad took me and Gage out for lunch, just us! :) After lunch we all went to Wal-Mart to get some last minute things for my dad's trip to Phoenix later that day. That's another reason I thank God, family.
We went to bed Sunday just like any other night. I was suddenly awakened by the power-surges we were having due to the wind and rain. My printer was driving me crazy. So, I finally just unplugged all of it. A few minutes later my mom came to my room saying she smelt something burning! My first thought was our house was on fire, but that wasn't the case. We couldn't figure out where this smell was coming from. Some of our lights worked and some didn't. The computers seemed fine. Remember my dad was in Phoenix, so me and my mom were like should we call grandpa, it's 3:30 in the morning. We ended up calling him and he came over and fixed the lights. But we still didn't know where the smell was coming from until last night. My brother (lance) went to plug the computer back in and gave him a good shock and burnt his finger. :( Then they noticed it had burnt the floor(shh don't tell my dad, just yet) and the surge protector had done it's job. I was thankful that we had finally figured it out and I didn't have to worry anymore. When we spoke to my dad about this he words were "we could replace the house, I just want you guys to be safe." God will protect us! so to answer my question, "why God can't promise days without pain?' Because look at all the things He gives us, a home, a family, friends, and children. We have so much to be thankful for. God loves us unconditionally and even though we have bad days He will give us the STRENGTH to get through them.
Last night I helped out at Jubilee Christmas at Providence. I felt like it was the least I could do to give to those that our less fortunate than myself. I really enjoy it. Me and my grandpa were in charge of gift wrapping! :)
Anyways, sorry that this got soo long. Hope you're having a good week! Keep looking up! :)
~All my love

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