Monday, July 27, 2009


It's the only word I can use to describe myself. I've had a rough week. I haven't had much sleep this week. Lets back up. My last post I mentioned how my brother lost a dear friend. Tuesday I watched my brother as they laid his best friend in the ground. I watched his blank stare and you could see the hurt. People continue to ask how my Lance is doing. I only hope he's turning to God for his needs.
Next, I worked Tuesday night, Wednesday, and Thursday. Trying to keep myself busy. Then the next couple of nights I haven't been able to sleep without irruptions. Friday night it stormed and the blew was blowing. I had parked my car under our basketball goal and I kept thinking that the goal was going to fall on my car because the goal has been known to do that. So I got out of bed at 4 something in the morning and moved my car, along with rolling up the truck windows in the rain. Saturday, I was woke up around 4:45 am with a call from someone dear that just needed some help. She's family so I didn't think twice about answering. I couldn't go back to sleep. Then came last night, Sunday.
11:30pm I had just fell asleep and the phone rang, I felt like it was a lot later than it was. My heart sunk. I had to answer it. It's my Grandma Miller. She needed my dad. I knew in her voice something wasn't right. It's my grandpa. His heart was skipping beats and he knew something wasn't right. The thoughts running through my head were insane. My dad left in such a hurry.
.....I crawled in my bed and covered up and just prayed. I couldn't lose him not yet. My body was shaking. I replayed everything that had happened that day. We went to Providence with them that day, we had them over for lunch that day, and we laid around and watched the race. But I couldn't recall tell them that I loved them or even see you later. That's not like me. SO, I was pleaded with God, to give me another chance.

....My mom came in and laid down and put her arms around me. I told her I was so scared. She's knows my relationship with my grandpa is one of a kind. I'm the only granddaughter and he makes it known and loves me soo much that I've never doubted it. I know it's silly but I'm always praying that he out lives me. Last night I thought I was losing him. Then I felt a sense of peace. I didn't know to trust that feeling or not. My mom came in at almost 3am telling me that they had things under control and he was going be okay. I then could close my eyes, Thank God, and fall asleep.

Today I've struggled. I don't know if it's because I'm just exhausted or what. I just haven't been myself.

Sorry that this is long, I just needed to get this off my chest. Thanks for listening if you got through all of this.
Keep looking up and I'll do the same
Hope you have a good week!

Christmas 07
Senior Prom

I love you Papaw! I hope to spend many more years with you! :)

Saturday, July 18, 2009

God gives and He takes away..

My brother just lost a good friend today. Please pray for their comfort through this difficult time. Sometimes we don't understand why God does the things He does, but He always has a reason. God has bigger plans for Dustin.
Abby's blog has this written:
"No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those love HIM"

No one is guaranteed tomorrow, we must serve him every single day....

How true is that?

I don't know what to do. Should I cry or scream? No matter what I do it won't lessen the hurt and the pain that many people are going through right now!
So love on your family don't take one moment for granted.

Monday, July 6, 2009

New Challenge

I'm sorry I haven't updated about my trip to Haiti, but I can't get pictures to upload and I don't want to post till I can.
Lately I've been feeling like I'm ready to extend my faith and passion for Christ. Even going to Haiti changed how I view things and made me grow. I'm ready for my next challenge. In church on Sunday, something struck me. I don't remember the exact words that were said but something like this "you will always make time for something you love or that you think is important"
Our pastor was saying how we don't read God's word like we should. Yet, that's the book with all the answers we need to any question. We say God's so important to us, but yet we don't make time for Him. So he's challenging us as a church to a reading plan. I started reading tonight. I know I'll struggle but I'm willing to try. Are you? I'm asking anyone that's up for the challenge to work with me! I'm excited!
I started the first day: Ezra 7 & 8
If you are willing to do this with me, read these two chapters, doesn't take long, share with me what things stood out to you, and I'll share what stood out to me!
What stood out to me the most, is how God always has his protective hand over us. He protects those who acknowledge Him. In my personal life I worry too much, most of you know this. Sometimes I have to sit back and think "why I'm I worried?" don't I trust Him? I do, and I'm working on this battle.
This post will be up till I get back from my trip on July 14th. So invite many, and if I slack on getting new reading plans let me know! I'll try and post as often as I can! I'm not good with updating but the more people I have interested the easier it is for me to update. If you want to suggest a certain book or chapter of the Bible to read let me know. But I'm really excited about this! I don't know how long this will go but I hope me and whoever learn and move closer to Him.
Have a good rest of the week!
Keep looking up!