Saturday, April 24, 2010


Where to begin?
I've been hurt and I'm trying to forgive... Saying you forgive someone and actually forgiving a person are two different things!!
Back story:
Who I considered my best friend in high school, got married and I was not even told about the wedding..Since one of my other bff's was in the wedding, I found out about it. I was hurt. I didn't have to be a part of the wedding, I just felt like after all the years we had spent together didn't add up to much... I went to this girls sister's wedding.. weird..I just wanted to BE there. I'm struggling with forgiving..
I saw this girl tonight... Again, it is awkward, since we never speak and DIDN'T!!
I'm tired of awkwardness...
I turned to my new Bible that I purchased and love.... I looked up friendship. Here is what I found:
Proverbs 17:9
"He who covers over an offense promotes love, but whoever repeats the matter separates close friends."
Then it goes on to explain that:
" This proverb is saying that we should be willing to forgive others' sins against us. Covering over offenses is necessary to any relationship. It is tempting, especially in an argument, to bring up all the mistakes the other person has ever mad. Love, however, keeps it's mouth shut-difficult though that may be.... As we grow to be like Christ, we will acquire God's ability to forget the confessed sins of the past."
Is this God telling me to act like nothing happened?
Too some who read this you may think this is silly, but it is something I am struggling with. This is one of my chains, tied around my heart, in which, I'm searching for answers.
God wants us to forgive, but what happens when we can't? How are we to get past?
Proverbs 17:17 "A friend loves at all times..." This verse goes on to talk to our loyalty to our friends.... Maybe I'm to blame, maybe I wasn't a loyal friend, listener whatever I needed to be for her.
I guess what I'm really asking is for advice? How do you guys forgive those who hurt you??

Friday, April 9, 2010

Coming up next.....

Be ready I have decided to write down 100 things I want to do in my life before I die! I was watching Oprah today(never do) and her show was about completing dreams that you have. Kenny Chesney was on there, his dream was to take his grandma flying in an airplane which she had never done. I thought it was a great idea to write down some of my dreams/goals and check them off as I go! I have completed two of my goals in this past month... I'll share more later! I'm excited!